You probably know this already, but bowling is a social act in which a person, individually or as part of a team of bowlers, pursues the same goal: to score the most points and beat the opposing team. In this way, new friendships are formed and a little healthy competition is encouraged. Bowling is very simple, but doing it well isn’t so simple: it requires technique, concentration, and a series of habits that are perfected with time and practice. Hobby, sport, or even competition: it’s up to you to find the motivation to enjoy bowling, and win over your friends, partner, or family.
Ultimate bowling guide to score a strike every time

Do you want to learn how to bowl? Discover in this article the ultimate bowling guide to score a strike every time. Today, we show you 10 steps and tips to improve your bowling: concentration, physical strength, agility, coordination and, of course, some aim.
Are you ready? Don’t hesitate and follow our tips to knock it out of the park in any professional bowling alley! Getting a good score depends on your skill and technique. If you internalise these steps and adopt these habits, you’ wi’ll soon be the best.
10 Bowling Tips
1. Start by stretching
When bowling, you’re going to run, you’re going to jump, and you’re going to move your arm with a heavy ball up and down. You don’t want to be sore tomorrow, so it’s highly recommended that you stretch your muscles before you start the game. This will prevent you from having a painful problem, as well as preparing the areas for the exercise, and gaining control. This is very important, since how to bowl in 10 tips starts here, even before you start.
Here you can find a quick bowling warm-up video:
2. Choosing the right clothing and footwear

Comfort is really important when bowling. Starting with footwear, it’s essential to choose bowling shoes. You can bring bowling shoes yourself or rent the ones they normally provide at the bowling alley. As for clothing, it’s ideal to wear wide, stretchy tops that allow good arm movement. Wear wrist guards to protect your joints while you bowl. With the critical equipment, you’ll be ready for bowling!
3. How to hold the ball efficiently

One of the top 10 tips for beating everyone at bowling has a lot to do with the choice of ball, and its use. Choose a ball with the right weight, one that allows you to interact with it comfortably. Your middle and ring fingers should each be in their hole up to the second knuckle. Your thumb is fully inserted into the bowling ball. This will give you a consistent serve. On the other hand, the fingertip grip is for more experienced bowlers.
Don’t put the ball directly in front of your chest, as when you make the “pendulum” it won’t be completely straight and may influence the trajectory of your ball. Don’t hit the ball against the court. Slide it.
4. Launch stroke
This is a crucial step in your bowling shot, as it’s part of the choreography that’ wi’ll determine if your shot is a good one. This pitching stroke or approach is 80% of your bowling success. Balance is the key: start with short steps and keep your balance steady and steady, try not to hesitate, and don’t be afraid!
5. Arm movement
It can be the key! Your arm movement when throwing the ball should be a completely synchronised pendulum with your body that allows your shot to be fluid from the first step. Always follow the motion as you come off the ball: the ball will always go where your hand goes. One of the 10 tips to beat everyone at bowling is the right arm movement, so put it into practice.
6. Bend your knees
To maintain consistent speed, serve point and balance, keep your right foot in contact with the ground as you glide towards the foul line on the last step. Bend your knees at the start of the glide to improve balance and follow-through.
7. Physical and mental balance
Bowling is a similar sport like golf, where mind and body concentration are very important, hence it’s one of the top 10 tips to beat everyone at bowling. Keep this in mind! Bowling requires us to be in a perfect balance between a healthy physical condition and proper concentration. In other words, if you’re having a bad day, or you’re tired or maybe just have a cold, it would be better not to bowl as you won’t be able to hit a single pin.
8. Shoot the ball to the right arrow

Many players omit the arrows on the court and just try to get the ball as close to the centre as possible. THIS IS A MISTAKE! Look carefully: there are seven arrows on the lanes. If you’re right-handed, aim for the arrow to the right of the centre. If you’re left-handed, aim for the arrow to the left of the centre and shoot it forward. The correct arm movement when bowling should be like a pendulum synchronised with the body for fluid movements. You can move your feet to the right or left to get closer to the line so that your feet line up with the correct mark.
9. Don’t run
Bowling is not a game of strength. The aim is for the player to be comfortable, carrying synchronised and balanced movements, resulting in an elegant and repeatable serve. That’s why one of the 10 tips to beat everyone at bowling isn’t to run, not mentally either: take it all in your stride.
10. Don’t despair
Remember that you’re not going to get the best results overnight. It takes time to internalise the steps and stances to bowl the right way.
Summarizing 10 expert bowling tips to improve your game
- Choose the right ball. The right bowling ball will fit your hand comfortably and have the correct weight and hole size for you.
- Focus on your approach. Your approach is the series of steps you take before you release the ball. It’s important to have a consistent approach that you can repeat every time you bowl.
- Keep your arm straight. When you release the ball, keep your arm straight from your shoulder to your hand. This will help you to throw the ball with more accuracy and power.
- Find your target. Choose a spot on the lane that you want to hit. This could be a specific pin or a mark on the lane. Then, focus on hitting that target with every throw.
- Follow through. After you release the ball, follow through with your swing. This will help you to throw the ball with more power and accuracy.
- Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you will become. Try to bowl at least once a week to improve your skills.
- Watch professional bowlers. Watching professional bowlers can help you to learn new techniques and improve your own game.
- Join a league. Joining a bowling league is a great way to meet new people and improve your skills.
- Have fun! Bowling is a game, so make sure to have fun while you’re playing.
- Don’t get discouraged. Everyone has bad games sometimes. Just keep practicing and you will eventually see your scores improve.
Let’s get bowling!
You already have 10 tips and advice on how to bowl properly. Now it’s time to put them into practice and beat them all! Remember that if you like bowling, you can find the best bowling alley in Gran Canaria at Holidayworld Maspalomas: Swing Bowling. This is the only truly professional bowling centre on the island, with 16 lanes, and you can also get your strength back in the cosy Swing Bowling & Restaurant. Here you’ll find tasty burgers, quesadillas, nachos and wings, among many other alternatives. Come and enjoy this new experience with your loved ones.
If you’re interested, here you can find Bowling Rules for Beginners and 10 Benefits of Bowling. Don’t miss these articles!
Recently the 35th BJI Architecture & Design Awards of Bowlers Journal has awarded this bowling alley as the best international interior renovation of the year. Don’t hesitate and come to Swing Bowling, you’ll have fun!